Meade Hill Shul has been around in many guises since 1904 and we have a full history of documents locked away in our safe. We owe an immense amount of gratitude to the Jewish Manchester Genealogy Society who have worked tirelessly over many years to collate and scan all of our records. We have always had a close relationship with the JGSGB and are proud to be able to present all of our records free of charge for you to search through. If you find anything of use then please consider making a small donation towards the cost of keeping this information available for you.
If you would like help to find your ancestors, please email with your queries.
If you would like to volunteer to complete this part of the website then please get in touch.
Listed Burial Plots Philips Park Cemetery – All plots listed by surname. We have photographs for a lot of these stones but they are not on-line yet. This is in progress but is likely to take some time. Please contact us with specific requests for information and we will happily forward it on.
The following pages will appear as soon as we find some volunteers to enter the information…
Burial Green Slips – A more comprehensive search containing lots of information including place and date of death and burial.
White and bronze memorial plaques – The Shul is full of plaques that hold a surprising amount of information.
Marriage Certificates – Dating from the early days of the 1900’s through to the 1990’s.
Lots more to follow.